Cabernet Franc Yeast
Cabernet Franc Yeast
As always with whichever yeast you select you should take into account the fermentation temperature tolerances, nutrient needs and fermentation rates, and let those help guide your selection.
The selections listed below are not set in stone and by no means should limit your choices, they are listed here merely as a guide to help you choose!
Cabernet Franc
YSEO VitiLevure MT: This strain will enhance varietal fruit and floral aromas, emphasizing berry along with strawberry jam, caramel, as well as some spice notes. There will be good color stability as well as enhanced tannic structure and a rich mouthfeel. This strain is great by itself or in a blend.
YSEO UvaFerm BDX: This strain is a solid all-around choice if you want berry, plum and jam as part of the classic Bordeaux profile. It is a moderate rate fermenter that has good color retention. It is very useful in developing structure in a wine since it reenforces existing tannins, both the good and bad tannins, meaning it should never be used with un-ripe fruit.
Lalvin BM45 Brunello: This strain will create a big mouthfeel while still creating strong plum notes as well as notes of cherry liquor, rose petals, jam and even some berry notes. It really is the Classic Italian Style. There is good color stability, and it will help to minimize vegetative characters.
Lalvin ICV-D21: This strain will impart fresh berry fruit plus big mouthfeel and positive tannic structure. It will maintain a good acidity and inhibit herbaceous characteristics from forming. It is particularly useful for hot climate fruit – meaning there is a high pH – and in blends since it will maintain a lively freshness.
Lalvin ICV-D254: This strain will round out tannins and create a big mouthfeel. There is an intense fruit note with a focus on plums. It will help color stability and is incredibly useful for adding body to blends.
Lalvin ICV-D80: This strain has big volume and fine grain tannins while producing plum and spice when used in Cabernet Francs. It is a great choice if you are looking to bring more positive tannin intensity to a blend.
Lalvin ICV-GRE: This strain will highlight fresh berry fruit on the forward and contribute to a good mouthfeel. It is useful when adding fresh fruit to a blend and is very effective in reducing herbaceous and vegetal notes in under-ripe fruit.
Lalvin RC212 Bourgovin: This strain will contribute to your wines structure with ripe berry, bright fruit and spice. There is good color stability, and it is a great choice for adding complex fruit to a blend.
Enoferm RP-15 Rockpile Wine Yeast (VQ15): This strain is useful when you need to add spice and/or color stability to a blend.
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