Smoked Mesquite Malt - Briess
Briess Smoked Mesquite Malt
This malt is produced using mesquite wood. It is slightly less sweet than the Briess Cherrywood Smoked Malt and will delivery a mellow mesquite smoked flavor without the harshness that mesquite can and does typically deliver. This toned-down flavor is achieved through a blend of mesquite and other hardwoods. It can be used in a variety of beer styles to develop complexity or rich, robust smoky flavor.
The result of Briess' unique malting process for their smoked malts is a unique, enzyme-active specialty malt that contributes pronounced smoke and upfront earthy mesquite flavor with some sweetness that is surprisingly smooth. It can be used ina variety of beer styles to develop complexity or rich, robust smoky flavor such as - Scottish Ales, Smoked Beer, Porters, Bamberger Beer, Rauch Bock
Type: Smoked Malt
Flavor: Pronounced smoked; Upfront earthy mesquite; Slightly sweet; Smooth
Aroma: Smooth smoke
Lovibond: 5
Moisture: 6%
Mealy/Half/Glassy: 98%/2%/0%
Plump: 80%
Thru: 2%
Extract FG, Dry Basis: 80.5%
Protein: 12%
S/T: 50
Alpha Amylase: 50
Diastatic Power (Litner): 140
Phenols: 15-30 ppm
Suggested Usage Levels:
5-10% Noticeable smoke character is lighter styles such as Scottish Ales and oktoberfests
10-20% Pronounced smoke character in lighter styles like Scottish Ales and Oktoberfests
30-60% Noticeable to pronounced smoke character in darker styles like Stouts and Porters
Due to the pronounced smoke flavor we recommend limited usage to 60% of the grain bill
**NOTE: All bags come unmilled**