Ultra is a US grown aroma hop that has an alpha acid range of 3-9.7% and a beta acid range of 3.6-5%. It has a Cultivar/Brand ID of 8305-17 and is similar to traditional German varieties.
Ultra is a triploid seedling of Hallertau Mittelfrüh and half sister to Mt. Hood, Liberty and Crystal.
Aromas of Ultra are described as mild, spicy, and floral bouquet.
It is a great option for your Oktoberfest, Festbier, Marzen, Blonde Ale, Wheat Beer, Lager, Pilsner, Pale Ale or Bock.
Possible substitutions for Ultra include Hallertau (US), Crystal, Liberty, Mt. Hood, Saaz (US), and Tettnanger (GER).
Co-Humulone as a % of Alpha Acids: 25-35%
Total Oils (mL/100g): 0.8-1.5
Myrcene: 50-60%
Humulene: 10-15%
Caryophyllene: 6-9%
Farnesene: 0-1%
All Others (including β-pinene, linalool, geraniol & selinene): 15-34%
#mild #spicy #floral #pleasant