Eureka!™ (Experimental #05266)
Eureka!™ also known as Experimental #05266 and sometimes seen simply as Eureka is a USA grown dual purpose hop that has an alpha acid range of 17-20% and a beta acid range of 4.5-6%. It is owned by Hopsteiner under Cultivar/Brand ID #05256 and is the child of Apollo and Merkur.
It features high notes of fruit and citrus but is known for its herbal flavors that bring out mint and dank aromas.
Eureka!™ has bold aromas of herbal notes, mint, pine and other dark fruits all accented with flavors of citrus, peach and even more aromas of stone fruit, black currants, and mandarin oranges.
It is a solid choice for your IPAs, Bitters, German Ales, and Lagers.
You could possibly substitute Columbus (US), Columbus (BC), Tomahawk, Zeus, CTZ, Apollo™, Merkur, Simcoe® or Summit™ for Eureka!™.
Eureka!™ is often available in Lupulin Powder/Pellet form through brands like LUPOMax and Cryo-Hops. It is frequently available in hop oil/extract form as well as in whole leaf hop form.
Co-Humulone as % of Alpha Acids: 27-30%
Total Oils (mL/100g): 2.5-4.4
Myrcene: 42-44%
Humulene: 29-30%
Caryophyllene: 0-1%
Farnesene: 0-1%
All Others (including β-pinene, linalool, geraniol & selinene): 24-29%
#herbal #dank #mint #darkfruit #citrus #peach #pine #stonefruit #blackcurrant #mandarin #orange